Backflow Assembly Testing

​A Backflow Prevention Assembly is used to protect  potable water supplies from contamination or pollution due to backflow.

In water supply systems, water is normally maintained at a significant pressure to enable water to flow from the tap, shower etc. When pressure fails or is reduced, as may happen if a water main bursts, pipes freeze or there is unexpectedly high demand on the water system, then such reduced pressure in the pipe may allow contaminated water from the ground, from storage or from other sources to be drawn up into the system. A Backflow Prevention Assembly is used in situations that are considered a hazard, to prevent the contaminants from getting into the public water supply.

Homeowners should consider backflow testing for several reasons:

  1. Protects drinking water: Backflow testing helps to ensure that the drinking water in your home remains safe and free from contaminants. If a backflow prevention device fails, it can allow water to flow back into the drinking water supply and potentially contaminate it.
  2. Prevents plumbing problems: Backflow testing can detect problems with the backflow prevention device early, before they become more significant and costly to fix. Regular testing can help to identify issues with the device’s performance or maintenance requirements and prevent plumbing problems.
  3. Complies with regulations: Some municipalities and water authorities require homeowners to have backflow prevention devices installed and tested regularly. Failing to comply with these regulations can result in fines and penalties.
  4. Maintains property value: Backflow testing can help to maintain the value of a property by ensuring that the plumbing system is functioning correctly and is compliant with regulations. This can be especially important for homeowners who are planning to sell their property.
  5. Peace of mind: Backflow testing can give homeowners peace of mind, knowing that their drinking water is safe and that their plumbing system is working correctly. It can be reassuring to know that you are taking steps to protect your family’s health and safety.

Backflow testing is the process of verifying that the backflow prevention device installed in a plumbing system is working correctly and is providing adequate protection against the reverse flow of water, chemicals, or other contaminants. Some of the advantages of backflow testing are:

  1. Protects public health: Backflow testing helps to ensure that the water supply remains safe and free from contamination. A backflow prevention device that is not working correctly can allow contaminants to flow back into the water supply and pose a health risk to the public.
  2. Compliance with regulations: Many municipalities and water authorities require backflow testing to be performed regularly to ensure compliance with local regulations. Failing to comply with these regulations can result in fines and penalties.
  3. Prevents cross-connection: Backflow prevention devices help to prevent cross-connection, which occurs when non-potable water sources, such as irrigation systems or industrial processes, are connected to the potable water supply. Cross-connection can result in the contamination of the water supply.
  4. Early detection of problems: Backflow testing can detect problems with backflow prevention devices early, before they become more significant and costly to fix. Regular testing can help to identify issues with the device’s performance or maintenance requirements.
  5. Maintains property value: Backflow testing can help to maintain the value of a property by ensuring that the plumbing system is functioning correctly and is compliant with regulations. This can be especially important for commercial and industrial properties, where a lack of compliance can result in business disruption and loss of revenue.